Registration process and forms to download
The following are the rules of Library:
- It is essential to bring library card for Issue of Books.
- In case the card is lost, the student should immediately inform the librarian.
- A new card is issued after payment of a fine of Rs. 10/-
- Maximum two books are issued for 15 days to Undergraduate students.
- The condition of issued book is to be checked by the bearer ,other wise the bearer of the book will be held responsible.
- If a book is lost, the bearer has to pay the cost of the book or replace the book. Books can be reissued after 15 days only if
- The student applies for reissue before the due date of return.
- Someone else has not demanded the same books.
- Newspapers, magazines & reference books are not issued.
- The students should keep their belongings at the property counter & they themselves shall be responsible for it.
- Use of mobile phones in the library is strictly prohibited.
- Students should maintain discipline in the library.
- Any student found tearing pages or damaging the books shall be punished.
- ST/SC students get books issued for the complete academic session.